When it comes to expert trainers we set the barre high. Our vetting and development program is the most rigorous in the industry, and it shows.

  • Title: Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer
  • Work Out with Tanya: Live Online, Instagram & On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: ACE
  • IG Handle: @tanyabeckerp57
  • Personal Mantra: live life like a loose garment
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Deli-slicer
  • Your Playlist Style: Inspiringly energetic
  • Your fuel: Clio yogurt bars
  • Your indulgence: Pizza!!!
  • Your perfect day off: Beach with a great book
  • Your Superpower: Being Bold and inspiring others to do the same!

Tanya Becker

  • Title: SVP Method & Experience
  • Work Out with Alicia: NYC Classes, Live Online, Instagram & On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: BFA in Dance, AFAA Group Exercise, Pilates Mat, Pre/Postnatal Specialist
  • IG Handle: @aliciaweihl
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Wide Waterski
  • Your Playlist Style: Upbeat eclectic (new & vintage) with a splash of euro
  • Your fuel: Coffee with no shame
  • Your favorite indulgence: Vin rouge & macarons, bien sur!
  • Your proudest moment: Seeing my 2 kids be thoughtful & kind
  • Your SuperPower: Staying calm in the storm!

Alicia Weihl

  • Title: Studio Manager
  • Work Out with Jennifer: NYC Classes, Live Online & On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • IG Handle: @j_a_fitness_
  • Personal Mantra: Love yourself to new levels!
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Incline Chair
  • Your Playlist Style: Confident and empowering
  • Your favorite indulgence: Chocolate Covered Pretzels
  • Your perfect day off: Sleeping in, brunch with friends, ice skating with boyfriend, seeing a Broadway show with a cute glass of wine!

Jennifer Arfsten

  • Title: Lead Master Trainer
  • Work Out with Ashlea: NYC Classes, Live Online, Instagram
  • Your fitness certifications: NASM CPT
  • IG Handle: @ashleabeilis
  • Personal Mantra: “A girl should be two things- who and what she wants.” -Coco Chanel
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Wide Waterski
  • Your Playlist Style: Depends on my mood
  • Your fuel: Eggs and Kale
  • Your indulgence: A glass of vino!
  • Your proudest moment: Becoming a mom
  • Your perfect day off: A long walk by the Hudson River with my husband and my daughter. (Usually stopping off for a glass of wine and a snack to recharge along the way.)

Ashlea Beilis

  • Title: Social Media Manger
  • Work Out with Morgan: NYC Classes, Live Online & Instagram
  • IG Handle: @mobontz
  • Personal Mantra: You is kind, you is smart, you is important
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: anything abs!
  • Your Playlist Style: pop meets hip hop
  • Your fuel: blueberry peanut butter smoothie…. and homemade pasta 😉
  • Your indulgence: Blue Bell ice cream (Texas girls know)
  • Your perfect day off: Going for coffee, walking around the city with my boyfriend, and finding a new restaurant to try
  • Your Superpower: Kindness

Morgan Bontz

  • Title: Senior Trainer
  • Work Out with Jarred: NYC Classes, Live Online & On Demand
  • IG Handle: @jarredbosch
  • Personal Mantra: When in doubt, rep it out 😉
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Clamshell and Alligator inner thighs
  • Your Playlist Style: Equal parts eclectic, current and vibes
  • Your fuel: Chocolate Rx bars
  • Your indulgence: Chocolate anything. And wine
  • Your perfect day off: Physique class and brunch
  • Your Superpower: Kindness

Jarred Bosch

  • Title: Senior Trainer
  • Work Out with Julie: Instagram & On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: NASM CPT, RD, YOGA 200-hr, Spinning
  • Personal Mantra: Everything in moderation!
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Waterski
  • Your Playlist Style: Upbeat, pop, hip-hop
  • Your fuel: burritos and coffee, not necessarily together
  • Your favorite indulgence: charcuterie boards and wine
  • Your proudest moment: Moving to Thailand to help open Physique 57 Bangkok
  • Your super power: Time travel

Julie Cobble

  • Title: Senior Trainer
  • Work Out with Adam: NYC Classes
  • IG Handle: @arobd_
  • Personal Mantra: Don’t stop til you get enough.
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Wide waterski!
  • Your Playlist Style: Beach dance party!
  • Your fuel: Peanut butter
  • Your favorite indulgence: Wine
  • Your proudest moment: Dancing at the Kennedy Center in D.C.
  • Your super power: Intuition

Adam Dickerson

  • Title: Master Trainer
  • Work Out with Sarah: On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: NASM-Certified Personal Trainer; AFPA Pre & Post Natal Fitness Specialist; AFPA Group Fitness Instructor
  • IG Handle: @finklegram
  • Personal Mantra: I will face the day with an open heart and open mind.
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Is the stretch a position?
  • Your Playlist Style: Dance pop techno with a hip hop sprinkle
  • Your fuel: Hard boiled eggs
  • Your indulgence: A cheeseburger with a mojito on the side
  • Your perfect day off: Sleep in, some light movement, hit the beach, dance party
  • Your Superpower: My drive to always learn more in my field!

Sarah Fink

  • Title: Master Trainer
  • Work Out with Torrey: NYC Classes, Live Online & On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: CPR
  • IG Handle: @Torreygmc
  • Personal Mantra: Be kind. Work hard. Have fun
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Round back Chair
  • Your Playlist Style: Dance party
  • Your fuel: Sparkling water
  • Your indulgence: Macarons
  • Your proudest moment: When I became a mother
  • Your perfect day off: Playground with my daughter Noa, p57 workout, sushi date with my husband 😘
  • Your Superpower: Functioning with high energy on very little sleep

Torrey Harada

  • Title: Senior Trainer
  • Work Out with Will: NYC Classes, Live Online & On Demand
  • Your fitness certifications: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Fitness Nutrition, Rowing
  • IG Handle: @Willhutchesonfitness
  • Personal Mantra: Fitness should be fun
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Hairpin
  • Your Playlist Style: Throwbacks
  • Your fuel: Cold brew
  • Your indulgence: Dark Chocolate
  • Your proudest moment: When I passed my NASM test in one try
  • Your perfect day off: Video Games and Delivery
  • Your Superpower: Falling asleep at parties

Will Hutcheson

  • Title: Master Trainer
  • Work Out with Kerrie: NYC Classes, Live Online & On Demand
  • IG Handle: @kerriebkk
  • Personal Mantra: change begins at the end of your comfort zone
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Deli Slicer
  • Your Playlist Style: A good mix of EDM and throwbacks!
  • Your Fuel:
  • Your Favorite Indulgence: Almond croissant
  • Your Proudest Moment: Moving to NYC alone in a blizzard with nothing but a suitcase and building a beautiful life for myself.
  • Your Perfect Day Off: A day together with my husband Dave – playing board games, drinking wine, then watching Survivor/Big Brother/The Amazing Race!

Kerrie Melissaratos

  • Title: Senior Trainer
  • Work Out with Spencer: NYC Classes, Live Online
  • IG Handle: @spenceyspice
  • Personal Mantra: As Kate Bush once famously said, “I just know that something good is gonna happen, I don’t know when, but just saying it can even make it happen”
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: 4th Position Waterski
  • Your Playlist Style: Three words: Danceable, Delectable, Disco… oh and some rock n’ roll, and bird noises thrown in
  • Your fuel: My most consistent three are: Water, Coffee, and Bananas w/ Peanut Butter
  • Your indulgence: Life is all about indulging in the things you love. My current indulgences are dancing, kimchi, mezcal, and doing photoshoots with my friends
  • Your proudest moment: I’m really proud of all the things I’ve been able to accomplish, and how I’ve grown as a person. Every time I try and pick a specific moment, I keep thinking of things that I haven’t even done yet, which I feel is a good thing. There is so much to reflect on, but I am still more excited about where the future is taking me.

Spencer Pond

  • Title: Trainer
  • Work Out with Kameica: NYC Classes, Live Online, On Demand
  • IG Handle: @Alkami11
  • Personal Mantra: Challenge creates opportunity for growth
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: It’s giving deli slicer in kneeling side glute position for me!
  • Your Playlist Style: Picture it…it’s a mash up of a Carib street carinival, studio 54, a sweaty Jamaican dance hall, the 40/40 club and a Bronx block party in the 90s, nostalgic oldies but goodies… It’s a full blown PARTY!
  • Your favorite indulgence: Luxury travel, Body treatments (sauna, massage, acupuncture), Dark chocolate, Prosecco, Scented Candles (without the chemicals) and crystals
  • Your superpower: The ability to heal with my passions

Kameica Reid

  • Title: Facebook Community Manager
  • Your fitness certifications: NASM + Pre/Postnatal Specialist
  • Work Out with Shannon: Video On Demand
  • IG Handle: @shannonleasteeen
  • Personal Mantra: “Live in the moment, act with kindness and stay true to yourself”
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: 4th Waterski
  • Your Playlist Style: Top 40 Hits and remixed throwbacks!
  • Your fuel: Morning coffee with collagen and Rx Bars live in my bag!
  • Your favorite indulgence: OG Reality TV: Big Brother, Survivor & Amazing Race
  • Your proudest moment: Bringing my 2 beautiful boys into this world!
  • Your Superpower: Babywearing! Still not sure how I do it, but I can and I will wear both of my 30 pound boys to get somewhere!

Shannon Smith

  • Title: Master Trainer
  • Work Out with Brooke: NYC Classes, Live Online, Instagram & On Demand
  • Certifications: NASM-CPT
  • IG Handle: @brooke_nay
  • Personal Mantra: I try to remember that everything is temporary and ever-changing. ~ Ride the wave ~ and try to enjoy it, too! 🙂
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Rocking chair and curl on the ball
  • Your Playlist Style: Pop dance party! With an extra dash of early 00s to make you smile
  • Your favorite indulgence: All of the chocolate
  • Your perfect day off: A warm, sunny day spent with family, friends, my dog, and a big margarita -extra salt 😉
  • Your superpower: Helping people realize that they are stronger than they give themselves credit for.

Brooke Walano

  • Title: Trainer
  • Work Out with Taylor: NYC Classes, Live Online
  • Your fitness certifications: Personal training, sports nutrition (ISSA)
  • IG Handle: @taydubdance
  • Personal Mantra: Music can get you through anything!
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Incline chair
  • Your Playlist Style: Hip hop, pop, 80’s, and rock. All the best hits for the best burn!
  • Your fuel: Barebells protein bars
  • Your indulgence: Chocolate covered pretzels
  • Your perfect day off: Big breakfast, gym for glute day, coffee with my boyfriend, trash tv all afternoon, thai food, read
  • Your Superpower: Consistently challenging my clients, no matter their skill level or experience

Taylor Wenzl

  • Title: Trainer
  • Work Out with Courtney: NYC Classes & Live Online
  • IG Handle: @cechlols
  • Personal Mantra: You are always enough 🙂
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: V-ball Waterski
  • Your Playlist Style: Feel good and groovy
  • Your Fuel: Oat milk cappuccino
  • Your Favorite Indulgence: Almond croissant
  • Your Proudest Moment: Performing in a dream musical in the most beautiful theatre in Paris!!!
  • Your Perfect Day Off: Early morning hike, followed by a giant brunch, and dinner with friends!

Courtney Echols

  • Title: Trainer
  • Work Out with Ariana: NYC Classes
  • Certifications: 200 hour power yoga
  • IG Handle: @arirose4
  • Personal Mantra: If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!
  • Favorite Physique 57 position: Flat Back Chair!
  • Your Playlist Style: Pop & Oldies
  • Your favorite indulgence: Key Lime Pie
  • Your perfect day off: Sleeping in, followed by a big brunch with friends 🙂
  • Your superpower: Patience

Ariana Dresner